Friday, December 24, 2010

Making Christmas without you

I'm making the Christmas braids, and doing payroll, and blogging. Dropped the motor of the grinder (only to a chair) and then the Bosch walked off the counter and was hanging by the cord, still running!!  Caught it just in time as the cord came unplugged.  Sheesh.

Just can't believe it all. I keep reviewing the craziness of the past year and half, plus, 29 years of insanity, using and lying and stealing and breaking promises.  And where are you?

Rehab #3.

Sparky said you could call today or tonight. So I've planned and discarded several things I'd like to say to you.  I love you.  I m iss you.  What the hell is the matter with you?  Where are you?  No, you can't come home.

I'll think about you on the beach.  It's kind of interesting just missing you and wishing you were here imagining the good parts. But then I always go back to reality and remember you calling me a bitch and trying to get me to kill you.

Merry Christmas.

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